Decorative and useful weatherproof thermometers for the home, garage and garden.
Enamel flower thermometer.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Fahrenheit & Centigrade scales.
Price: £19
Enamel flower thermometer 30x6.5cm.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Fahrenheit & Centigrade scales.
Price: £19
Enamel Shell thermometer 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Esso thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Mobiloil thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Lambretta thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for inddor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Citroen 2cv thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel MG B thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Morris thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scale.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Saab thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for inddor or outddor use.
Price: £27
Enamel MZ Motorcycle thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Faherenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Ferguson System thermometer, 30x6.5cm.
Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales.
Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
Price: £27
Enamel Fiat 500 Thermometer.
Fahrenheit & Centigrade scales.
Weatherproof, suitable for indoor or outdoor use
Price: £27
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